

the didactic method at scuola leonardo da vinci in florence Following the modern language teaching methods, the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci School has long adopted the communicative approach: priority is put on the students being able to communicate in Italian as soon as possible and without hesitation.

Grammar rules will be assimilated inductively and put into practice through specific reading and writing exercises, games and role playing. Learn without worrying about making mistakes, learn to correct each other: our motto is "learn whilst having fun".

Our teachers, all of whom are highly qualified and always available, are your companions and leaders throughout your learning journey.
You will never feel judged but continually encouraged to progress in achieving your goal: to understand and know how to communicate!

Italian language school in Florence (Tuscany)

Via Maurizio Bufalini, 3 IT - 50122, Florence, Italy
(+39) 055-261181 - Whatsapp: +393703450630
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Messenger: scuolaleonardoflorence
Skype: learnitalianflorence
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