
Alessandro Roffi

Country: Italy - Source: Testimonial

Alessandro Roffi student of italian language in florence

I attended the DITALS Preparation Course in Scuola Leonardo da Vinci in Florence in 2012. I found myself in a joyful and stimulating environment, with many students who were enthusiastic about studying Italian and many good teachers, always ready to help. The lecturers provided us with the necessary tools to get ready to the exam in the best way possible. The course was really formative: I learnt a lot enjoying the time thanks to the high level of professionallity of the teachers. Taking a course and doing my internship in this school gave me the opportunity of growing professionally speaking. I recommend anyone interested in working in this field to go through this kind of experience and attend this course!


Italian language school in Florence (Tuscany)

Via Maurizio Bufalini, 3 IT - 50122, Florence, Italy
(+39) 055-261181 - Whatsapp: +393703450630
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