
Work / Business / Study

italian courses for business, work and studyDo you need to ‘master’ the Italian language for your job?

Do you have import-exports with Italian companies in the fashion, footwear, food or sports industries? Or are you thinking of enrolling in an Italian university?

No problem! At the school in Florence, you will find our staff qualified in the technical language you need for your field of work or for the preparatory courses to be able to get into the various faculties of the Italian University.

Italian language school in Florence (Tuscany)

Via Maurizio Bufalini, 3 IT - 50122, Florence, Italy
(+39) 055-261181 - Whatsapp: +393703450630
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Messenger: scuolaleonardoflorence
Skype: learnitalianflorence
Map: Google Map

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